Our clients tell our story better than we can.

Here are some of their thoughts about working with us.

  • Tech Exchange logo

    Tech Exchange, Oakland, Ca.

    “On behalf of the Tech Exchange Advisory Board, I want to thank you for all you have done to manage Tech Exchange. You started when we were coming out of the pandemic, managed through a tough situation with our fiscal sponsor, helped us identify major financial issues, and capped it off by assisting us in interviewing for our new Executive Director to take the helm. I know this ended up being a lot more than you anticipated, but we are grateful that you stayed aboard and got it done. It would have been nearly impossible to do it without you.“

  • East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse logo

    East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse, Oakland, Ca.

    “Thanks for all your hard work during the interim. Your professionalism and wisdom in dealing with the challenges of hiring and reopening (and the other dramas) was so important to the Depot's survival. You were the calm in the midst of quite a storm.“

  • The Stride Center/ReliaTech logos

    The Stride Center/ ReliaTech, Oakland, Ca.

    “Ben's breadth and depth of experience from starting and running his own business to years of marketing and PR (and much more) and his commitment to excellence combine to bring a tremendous asset.”

    “One of the best executive team members I've ever worked with. Honest, creative, inspiring and always helping to navigate our sometimes complex goals.”

  • Springboard Schools logo

    Springboard Schools, San Francisco, Ca.

    “I worked with Ben for a couple of years and throughout that time he was willing to do what it took to get the job done.
    He also explored new ideas to increase the profile of our organization. I appreciated his willingness to help his colleagues when time was of the essence. Ben would be make a very positive contribution to any organization.”

  • KPMG logo

    KPMG, Toronto, Ontario

    “It was a great pleasure to have you in Madeira. Most of all, I appreciate your ability and professionalism in being able to adjust your expectations to the reality of the project. Sometimes, even the basics are difficult. I realize this is from time to time quite challenging and demanding. You are a valued member of our KPMG Associate Team. It has been absolutely tremendous!”

  • And some others...

    “We are extremely pleased with your work – both the quality and timeliness.
    We place tight deadlines on your company and have in some cases given you very little information to work out press releases and other ideas. You've always managed to get the message across with good clean copy. Thank you, we are pleased to be working with you and would highly recommend your services to others.”

    “Ben's great sense of humor and approachable personality puts all levels of clients at ease.
    His easygoing style belies a keen business intellect and innovative nature which has led to great impact. I have many times observed him bringing great insight to a complex conversation and asking key questions that had been earlier overlooked. I greatly enjoy working with him. He brings a lot of value to the table.”